Panther Central

News and Announcements

Find general news and announcements below, including information regarding housing, dining, transportation, and other resources.

The Eatery – the University of Pittsburgh’s largest dining facility – will undergo a complete transformation, evolving into an innovative dining facility, boasting ten independent concepts and state-of-the-art integrations designed to offer Pitt students an exceptional dining experience.

The renovation will be completed in a phased construction approach to ensure that The Eatery continues to be open for service. Dining concepts will go offline and will be reactivated in segments throughout the 2023 - 2024 academic year.

For more information on the project timeline, what to expect during construction, real-time updates, teaser videos, and more, visit

The University of Pittsburgh’s two main dining halls (The Eatery and The Perch at Sutherland) have renewed their Gold designations under the Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants program! Additionally, both the Cathedral Cafe and Schenley Cafe earned Silver Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurant designations!

Learn more about how each of these locations earned their designations at Pitt Sustainability.

We’re excited to announce that the ACC channel has been added to your on-campus Comcast package! It is programmed as channel 55. If you don’t see the ACC channel, run the auto-scan/auto-program from your TV menu to update your listings. You can also type “55” directly on your TV remote so that your television recognizes the new signal. Please submit a maintenance request if you experience any issues. 

You can also tune in through Xfinity! The ACC channel is available for streaming via the Xfinity on Campus website and app.

Looking to live off-campus? We're here to help! Our Office of Off-Campus Living provides students and families with the resources they need to safely and successfully live in off-campus accommodations.

Your Panther Card provides access to so many services on and off-campus, and we want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your options!

Depending on your meal membership, you might have Dining Dollars loaded onto your card. Whether you have a meal plan or not, you can always load and use Panther Funds!

So, what’s the difference between Dining Dollars and Panther Funds?


Follow Panther Central on social media for special Panther Funds promotions.