General Questions
- How do I live on campus?
By completing your application and paying your housing deposit by the deadline indicated in the Pitt Housing Welcome email that is sent to your University email address, you will be eligible to live in on-campus housing.
- Where should I live on campus?
If you are planning to live on-campus as a first-year student for the upcoming 2025 - 2026 academic year, you will live in a residence hall specially designated for first-year students like you! You can list your housing preferences on your housing application, and they will be considered, along with roommate requests, when housing is assigned.
- Is housing first come first serve?
No, regardless of when an application is completed, a mass assignment is completed in June. All students who have met their individual housing deadlines and have completed their application will be assigned at this time ensuring that all students have the same opportunity to obtain their preferences.
- Why should I live on campus?
Living on campus is not only a convenience but a valuable part of the college experience. Learn more about the perks of living at Pitt.
- When should I apply to live on campus?
Applications should be completed by the indicated deadline in your Pitt Housing Welcome email. Application preferences, including meal memberships, roommates, and LLCs, must be updated by June 1.
- Where can I find specifics, such as room size, dimensions, and amenities, for a residence hall that I am interested in?
You can find room size, dimensions, and amenities for an accommodation that you are interested in by viewing our University Housing pages.
- Can I tour a residence hall?
You can take a virtual tour of residence halls on our YouVisit tour site.
Pitt Arrival
- What is Pitt Arrival?
Pitt Arrival is the University of Pittsburgh’s student move-in process that takes place at the end of August each year.
- Who participates in Pitt Arrival?
All University of Pittsburgh undergraduate students who reside in on-campus housing participate in Pitt Arrival. Be sure to check your University email for important dates, deadlines, and information in July for details regarding this year’s Arrival.
- When should I start preparing for Pitt Arrival?
You will start to receive communication regarding Pitt Arrival via your University email address in July. You can also check the Pitt Arrival website for additional updates and details.
- When is Pitt Arrival?
We are in the process of finalizing plans for Pitt Arrival. Check this page for updates and watch your University email in July for all the information that you need.
Communities within Housing
- What are communities within housing?
Communities within housing are special living environments that students can choose to join. They include Gender Inclusive Housing and Living Learning Communities.
Gender Inclusive Housing is available for first-year students who wish to live together regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, or expression. Students wishing to reside in Gender Inclusive Housing should complete their housing application and contact Panther Central to express their interest.
Living Learning Communities are specialized living environments that connect students to immersive social and academic experiences.
- How can I join a Living Learning Community?
You can indicate interest to live in a Living Learning Community within your housing application.
Housing Application
- What is a housing guarantee?
First-Year students who paid their tuition deposit prior to May 1 and met their financial deposit and housing application deadlines are guaranteed housing for the 2025 - 2026 academic year.
- How do I ensure that I retain my housing guarantee for next year?
All housing guarantees are pending completion of the 2025 - 2026 Housing Application and are dependent on how students were admitted to the University of Pittsburgh as a first-year student. Prospective first-years who are admitted through Admissions and Financial Aid for the fall term, pay their $300 enrollment fee and their $325 housing deposit by their designated due dates and are guaranteed on-campus housing. This guarantee is good for three years, provided that all housing application and deposit deadlines for each subsequent year have been met. To keep your housing guarantee valid for the next year, you must meet the housing application processing and deposit deadline of February 1.
- When is the housing application deadline?
Your housing application deadline is indicated in your Pitt Housing Welcome email that is sent to your University email address.
- How do I process my housing application?
You can process your housing application by following these six easy steps.
- What happens if I miss the housing application deadline?
If you miss your housing application deadline, then you may lose your on-campus housing guarantee. Please contact Panther Central by phone at 412-648-1100 or by chat if you missed your housing application deadline.
- Will I have to complete a housing application each semester?
No, you will not need to complete a housing application every semester. By completing the 2025 - 2026 Housing Application, you are agreeing to a two-term housing contract for both Fall 2025 and Spring 2026.
- Who can I contact if I have questions about my housing application?
You can contact Panther Central with any application questions. Panther Central is available via chat and email 24/7.
Meal Memberships
- What is a meal membership?
A Meal Membership is a dining plan provided by Pitt Eats, Pitt’s dining partner. Your plan is selected in conjunction with the submission of your on-campus housing application.
- Am I required to have a meal membership?
All students residing in residence halls are required to purchase a Meal Membership. Students residing in apartment-style accommodations or those who commute may elect to purchase a Meal Membership but are not required to do so.
- Where can I learn more about the different Meal Membership plans and pricing?
You can learn more about the different Meal Membership plans and pricing on the Pitt Eats’ website.
Panther Card
- What is a Panther Card?
Your Panther Card is your official University ID.
- What can I use my Panther Card for?
Your Panther Card is more than just your student ID! You will use your Panther Card as your room key, bus pass, and debit card. Your Panther Card will also be used to access dining, laundry, and fitness facilities on campus, as well as a means to receive discounts from local vendors.
- Am I required to have a Panther Card?
Yes, all University of Pittsburgh students, faculty, staff, and personnel are required to have a Panther Card.
- How can I obtain my Panther Card?
You can obtain your Panther Card by following our photo guidelines - we’ll handle the rest!
- How do I pre-submit my photo for my Panther Card?
You can pre-submit your photo for your Panther Card by following our submission guidelines and subsequent steps.
- When should I pre-submit my photo for my Panther Card?
All incoming first-year students who need a Panther Card are required to pre-submit their photo for their Panther Card by the due date on their housing application.
- When will I receive my Panther Card?
As long as you pre-submitted your photo to us by your deadline, then you will receive your Panther Card at your home address before your designated move-in date. Please ensure the home address we have on file is your current mailing address.
- How can I find a roommate?
Roommate matching will be embedded in the Housing Application. More details will be communicated via email regarding this process.
- When should I find a roommate?
You can select your own roommate between now and June 1.
- I have a roommate in mind. How can we ensure we room together?
If you already have a roommate in mind, then you can note your roommate preference on your housing application. Please be advised that you must note your roommate preference by June 1.