Panther Central

Joint Statement Regarding Food Safety at the University of Pittsburgh

We are aware of the posts made on the Facebook page regarding the food served in The Eatery. There is nothing more important than the health and well-being of the thousands of students and guests served on campus each day.  Food safety and quality are paramount, and we are committed to investigating any report or issue that is brought forth to us.

Given the scope of our dining operations, and the priority we place on protecting the Pitt community, Chartwells Higher Ed, our dining partner known as Pitt Eats, is currently performing an internal audit of their processes and training methods to ensure all food safety measures are being followed accurately.  In addition, we’ve requested that the Allegheny County Health Department visit The Eatery to perform an independent evaluation. You can find the results of our food safety inspections on our Dining Services website. Lastly, our independent third-party expert who regularly audits our processes is on site today.

Pitt Eats has an extremely rigorous program for food safety and hygiene in place that include the following:

  • All dining managers are trained and certified in food service safety. Managers must also be certified by ServSafe. 
  • All Dining culinarians are ServSafe certified and trained for proper food safety handling and are required to follow stringent safety protocols 
  • All Dining Associates must undergo regular food safety training prior to the start of each semester.  
  • Pitt Eats regularly schedules food safety inspections with Steritech, an independent  third-party company, in all dining locations to ensure all standards are maintained.  Specifically, Steritech frequents Pitt’s campus to ensure compliance.
  • Pitt Eats employs a dedicated Quality Assurance and Safety Manager that conducts weekly safety audits of our locations.
  • All equipment is regularly cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized at the end of each shift. 

To address some of your questions within the online posts, see below:

What is Pitt and Chartwells’ food safety protocol on campus? 

Chartwells Higher Education is committed to exceeding all basic standards outlined by the USDA, FDA, and Allegheny County Health Department.  For specific details, visit our Food Safety web page.  

Food safety laws require us to check the temperatures of all proteins. Our protocol is to temp-check the largest piece of protein at the time of cooking to ensure it meets the minimum required internal temperature for that specific protein (Chicken: 165° F, Beef:  160° F); we also temp three to four additional pieces for control.  The temperature of all proteins is checked every two hours to ensure it maintains the required temperature range. We have reinforced our training protocols on this process over the past week, after these posts were first brought to our attention.

The Allegheny Country Department of Health regularly conducts health inspections and in the last four years, no reinspection has been required by the health department. 

Why is the chicken served at The Eatery pink?

Chicken that has a slight pink hue can be attributed to reasons other than being undercooked.  According to the USDA, “The color of cooked chicken is not a sign of its safety. Only by using a food thermometer can one accurately determine that chicken has reached a safe minimum internal temperature of 165°F throughout. The pink color in safely cooked chicken may be due to the hemoglobin in tissues, which can form a heat-stable color. Smoking or grilling may also cause this reaction, which occurs more in young birds.”  Additional info from the USDA can be found here.

What should my student do if he/she/they think they have been served undercooked chicken?

Each of our food stations have an “Ingredient Expert” who are wearing blue hats, and our chefs wear white coats.  If anyone believes they have been served undercooked chicken, immediately take the plate back to the station and report it to the Ingredient Expert, manager, or chef.  

  • After a visual examination, the Chartwells’ staff member may explain to the student that the color of the protein is normal for the meat but will offer to give the student a new serving.
  • If the Chartwells’ staff member determines that the chicken is undercooked, the food will be immediately bagged for inspection and the date and time notated. That batch of food will be instantly pulled, and a thorough internal investigation is initiated.

How does my student provide feedback about their dining experience?

We welcome all feedback from our guests. In addition to these methods below, we encourage students to speak directly to a member of the dining team when they are dining with us. The feedback we receive from these channels help us better serve you.

  • Happy or Not – Near the exits of our dining locations, there are electronic tablets with smiley faces.  Guests can tap happy or not happy and provide additional feedback on their experience. The Chartwells team regularly reviews this input and makes the necessary adjustments.
  • Dine on Campus Feedback Form – Guests may complete this form with their feedback. Submissions are monitored daily and responded to within 24 hours.
  • Contact Pitt Eats Directly – Lynn Bowser, Pitt Eats Quality Assurance & Safety Manager,


We want to thank you for the opportunity to address your concerns. We welcome you and your students to contact us using the methods above should you have any additional questions. There is nothing more important to the Pitt and Pitt Eats team than the health and well-being of our students and guests, and we look forward to a great year together.


Pitt Eats & Pitt Dining