Your Panther Card, also known as your Pitt ID, is the tool that every student, faculty, and staff member needs on their first day to access essential campus services. The mangetic strip on your Panther Card is programmed to give you access to your residence hall and meal plan. Other facilities and services on and off campus are also accessible with your Panther Card.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Pitt students, faculty, and staff are required to pre-submit a photo for their Panther Card. You will be sent instructions on how to retrieve your new Panther Card once our Panther Central team has processed your photo. Please follow the instructions detailed below to submit your photo.
- Chosen Name
The University of Pittsburgh recognizes the need or preference for students to refer to themselves by a chosen name. Students can add a chosen name other than their legal given first and/or middle name for use on campus. Review this statement from the Registrar if you are interested in using a chosen name on campus. Contact the Registrar if you have any question related to a chosen name.
Add a Chosen Name Process:
1) Login to the portal
2) Search for “Manage My Account”
3) Click “Contact Information”
4) Click “Click here to set your Preferred Name”
5) Click Yes when “Do you want to set your preferred name?” question displays (same as above)
6) Add your preferred first and preferred middle (optional) namesUpon arriving at Panther Central, you will be asked to exchange your current Panther Card for your updated ID. There is no cost for your first chosen name Pitt ID. All other Panther Card reprints due to additional preferred name updates, lost/stolen IDs, will result in a $20 fee.
Please remember that your ID will have your chosen name on the front and your legal name on the back. If asked to show your ID as a form of identification, both your chosen and legal name are shown.
- Accordion title 2
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